Ministries & Groups
There are many groups within the community at St. Laurence Anglican Church. Simply click on the name of the group to learn more:
The music ministry at St. Laurence is led by the St. Laurence Choir. From September to early June, the choir gathers for rehearsal at 7:30 pm on Thursday evenings and again at 9:00 am on Sunday. Singers who aren’t able to join us weekly are more than welcome to join at any time (no experience required, no auditions). All that is needed is a love of singing and a desire to contribute to the Sunday morning worship experience.
Music selections at St. Laurence cover a wide variety of styles including traditional Anglican hymnody, Taizé or other chants, as well as more contemporary musical genres.
Vocal or instrumental “ad-hoc” contributions from other members of the congregation who are not involved on a regular basis are warmly welcomed. Music is led primarily from the 6 ft. Hoffmann Grand piano in addition to a lovely three-manual 42-stop Phoenix digital organ.
Our music director is always looking for ways to involve more of our community in the music. Young or old, classical or contemporary, vocal or instrumental, we welcome your gifts! Please speak to the Music Director for further information about participating in the music life at St. Laurence.
Children are always welcome in our worship service and are important members of our Church family. A children’s corner of books, toys, crafts, and activities is available for children to peruse at their leisure throughout the service.
Periodically throughout the year, Messy Sunday Intergenerational services are held, whereby young and old are invited to work together within the service on various activities of prayer, crafting, planting, or some other activity as it relates to the liturgical readings.
St. Laurence invites interested adults to take part in a number of Spiritual Development opportunities which are posted in our newsletter as well as on the Wisdom Centre website:
Conversations: This is a wonderful and informative drop-in program, usually led by clergy or invited guests. Interested parishioners gather downstairs after worship to converse about any number of topics in a relaxed and informal way from about 11:30 am to 12:15 pm.
Thursday Meditation: Both Contemplative prayer and Centering prayer are offered on alternate Thursday mornings at 10:00 am. This half hour service includes chanting, lectio divina, and 20 minutes of silent prayer.
Book Studies: Various book studies are held throughout the year relating to diverse topics such as Wisdom, Climate Change, or whatever other topic is of interest at the moment.
The Wisdom Centre: As an outreach project of St. Laurence, The Wisdom Centre seeks to renew and rediscover what the individual and faith community can mean for collective spiritual life in the 21st century.
Pastoral care at St. Laurence takes place in a number of ways:
Visitation: Both clergy and volunteer members of the parish join in visiting the sick and shut-ins while also taking communion to those in need.
The Prayer Chain at St Laurence: This is a behind-the-scenes group of 12 parishioners who pray individually as part of their prayer practice for individuals, close family, and friends of St. Laurence members. Those individuals for whom prayers are offered are mentioned in the weekly bulletin by first name only. Prayer requests can be made by emailing Ross Lennox at rosslennox23@gmail.com or by phoning him at 403-606-2525.
Services at Garrison Green and Garrison Woods: Join us for monthly services for our elderly parishioners at these care homes.
There are a variety of ways that the St. Laurence community gathers socially. An important part of being a Christian community is building relationships of trust. These events are drop in and open to all.
Ladies’ Lunch: Meet on the first Monday of the month at Pho Pham restaurant.
Men’s Breakfast: Meet on the last Wednesday of the month at Grey Eagle Casino.
Coffee Time at Garrison Green: Come and join us for coffee and visiting with our elderly St. Laurence members on the first Tuesday of the month.
Shared meals on special occasions: Join us for Thanksgiving lunch, Family breakfasts, Lenten supper, hot dog lunches, and more.

Please consider supporting our mission.
St. Laurence Anglican Church relies on donations from our generous community to continue providing immersive worship and community services.